Exhibitions can contribute to a sustainable world

Reducing the impact businesses have on the environment and ensuring that they contribute positively
to the regions they operate in is high priority for most industries, including exhibitions.

Exhibitions can contribute to a sustainable world as, in addition to the positive economic and educational impact
they have at regional levels, they can reduce multiple travel.
By hosting market players at an exhibition, professionals can schedule meetings
and develop business relationships with multiple contacts all under one roof.
Many exhibition venues and show organisers priorities social responsibility and have demonstrated
their commitment to having a positive impact on local communities.

Exhibitions and events have the power to change patterns of consumption, change patterns of behaviour and
help diminish inequalities through gathering powerful influencers and market leaders in one venue.

More specifically, the exhibition industry can contribute to addressing the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals,
and UFI released a report on best practices in 2019. To access this report click here.

UFI has also launched in collaboration with other industry associations the “Net Zero Carbon Events” initiative.
Supported by the UNFCCC, it is designed so that the events industry plays its part in helping to
deliver the goals of the Paris Agreement (for more information: http://www.netzerocarbonevents.org).